
We don't charge to look round our beautiful buildings, but if you have valued your visit, you may wish to make a donation in cash or (in some buildings) card reader.  If you are local and love our historic buildings, why not consider contributing on a regular basis to the relevant fund to ensure these spaces can remain open to future generations.

If you are new or visiting our churches for worship, please don't feel you need to contribute financially, though of course we are delighted when anyone supports our mission, ministry and our historic buildings. 

If you consider yourself part of one of our churches, then you will want to contribute at a level that is appropriate to your circumstances. There are a variety of ways to do this, and you can talk to the relevant Treasurer for the church you attend most regularly. Or you can contribute directly to the work of the whole Minster, which is shared across all eight churches. If you would like to give a regular, or one-off donation to the Alcester Minster, please contact the Alcester Minster Treasurer: Tel: 01789 763 723 [home/office] 07860 648 769 [mobile] or email: